Atelier Pia, labelled a high quality firm

The official launch of RENOVUP took place on April 2016. A group that includes the cream of artisans and construction enterprises established in Geneva, Vaud and Suisse Romande. Atelier Pia has been selected thanks to their expertise in interior design. A serious token and a beautiful acknowledgement of their work.

RENOVUP, these 50 companies represent several trades related to the planning, the renovation, the construction or the maintenance of your home. A signatory that evidences a base of good quality.

Key commitments of the charter

  • Respecting time of completion and the agreed price
  • A clear and complete contract between both parties (customer and contractor )
  • A down-­‐payment of 30% to 50% maximum price ( depending on supplies and a mutual agreement between client and contractor ) and subsequent payments never exceeding the cost of the job to be executed
  • Supply guaranty and assertion of complete execution of the task at hand ( upon customer request )
  • Upon demand, and as from an amount of CHF 25’000 worth of work to be executed, the guarantee for supplies as well as the assurance of the complete execution of the job at hand will be made via a subscription and a specific insurance contract
  • The companies are committed to respect the Swiss labour laws and will not resort to illicit work forces
  • To be up to date with their social security
  • The companies are committed to get quality work done consistent with the specific rules in Switzerland and to respect the mandatory federal environmental standards currently in force. ( regulations SIA faisant foi )

To find out more, please visit

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